Gestinux util

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Revision as of 11:51, 21 November 2012 by Tintinux (talk | contribs)
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Gestinux is based on an utility package containing visual and non-visual components :

Database Non-Visual components

They are only for database connection and management.

Currently based on Zeos Dbo components, with some methods added to create (and update) table structure from the datamodule.

Gestinux uses only descendants of TZConnection, TZQuery and TZTable.

Other midleware, specially the interface provided with Lazarus are said to be faster. One bad point is that comonents are specific to one DBMS, and not following DBMS versions quickly enough. However, if someone wants to develop the same functionnalities and compare, he is welcome !

Visual components

Data Entry components

These components are containing a label and an entry component. In Gestinux, Data entry must use only TGxxxx components, because these components are handling translations, and should handle soon text orientation (LTR/RTL) automatically.


Translation or columms titles is searched in language files. Column widths and order are saved in the user's inifile when changed. Other useful things are specific to each grid

  • TGGrid : read-write TStringGrid with methods to insert and delete lines.
  • TGDbGrid : read-only TDbGrid connected to a TGQuery, with column sorting.

Buttons, Menus and others

All are reading translation of caption and hint read in the translation file.